Dev Tools > Deploy > User Guide for Plugin

Jenkins Plugin Guide

With NHN Cloud Deploy Jenkins Plugin, build results of Jenkins can be uploaded to NHN Cloud Deploy servers.

Integrating Deploy <-> Jenkins

Build Jenkins -> Upload Binary with Deploy (by plugin) -> Execute Deployment Scenario (Deploy/Close/Re-start/Prerequisites and follow-ups) To this end, the deployment environment must be built in the following order:

  1. Create artifacts at Deploy
  2. Set Jenkins build job
  3. Create a server group
  4. Write deployment scenario

Installing Jenkins

Find out how to install Jenkins and details on

Minimum Version Requirements for Jenkins

Requires Jenkins 1580.1 or later versions.

  1. Go to Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugin > Advanced > Upload Plugin and upload tcdeploy-upload-jenkins.hpi. (Download from tcdeploy-upload-jenkins.hpi)

    [Figure 1] Upload Plugin

  2. When installation is completed, find it from the List of Plugin Installation as below. [Figure 2] List of Installed Plugins

  3. Click Build and Add Measures of the Build Setting* to add tasks to upload server or client type applications.

    [Figure 3] List of Installed Plugins

Plugin Setting for Server Type Application Uploads

With server-type application upload plugin, build results can be compressed in zip and uploaded to a NHN Cloud Cloud Deploy (TCD) server.

[Figure 4] Plugin Setting for Server Application Uploads

  • enable upload
    • Decide whether to enable/disable plugin operations. It is useful to disable plugin operations, while plugin setting is saved.
  • publish path
    • It is the path to be deployed to, from the workspace where build is completed. The example shows /, and in this case, what follows JENKINS_HOME/jobs/projectname/workspace becomes the path to upload, and if you enter target, then what follows JENKINS_HOME/jobs/projectname/workspace/target becomes the path.
  • app key
    • Application key for authentication.
  • artifact id
    • Artifact ID: only numbers are allowed.
  • binary group key
    • Key for the binary group to be uploaded: only numbers are allowed.
  • archive file name
    • Name of a .zip file to create: automatically registered in default name, if it is not specified.
      • e.g) Basic file name tcdeploy-artifactid-[artifactId]-[yyyyMMddHHmmss].zip
  • binary version
    • Binary version. Expressions, including Jenkins build number, or start date of build, can be specified. If a version is not specified, default version is automatically registered.
      • Format of Expression Version Use e.g.) TCD_SVR_${BUILD_NUMBER}${JENKINS_PROJECT_NAME}${BUILD_START_DATE}
      • Result of Expression Version Use e.g.) TCD_SVR_95__Maven_Project_Test__2015-09-14_16-46-38
      • Caution) Prohibited characters are specified for a version: space is replaced by underscore (_ ), and ASCII special characters, except () - _ ~ . and , are deleted.
  • description
    • Add description on uploads.
  • include filter
    • Define include filter, by using ant-style glob pattern.
      • e.g.) /*.java,/*.xml - includes java, xml files of all lower directories.
  • exclude filter
    • Define exclue filter, by using ant-style glob pattern.
      • e.g.) /.svn/ - excludes files and directories with \, .svn, of all path names in lower directories.
  • compression level
    • Set the compression level in three stages:
      • Store: Non-compression, Normal: Normal Compression, Maximum: Maximum Compression

[ Example of Server Type Application Upload Build Output on Console ]

[TCDeploy] Artifact id: [artifact id output]
[TCDeploy] App key: [application key output]
[TCDeploy] Application type: server
[TCDeploy] Description: Test deployment
[TCDeploy] Upload address: [Upload address output]
[TCDeploy] Artifact version: TCD_SVR_95__Maven_Project_Test__2015-09-14_16-46-38
[TCDeploy] Deploy relative path: /
[TCDeploy] Ant include pattern: **/*.java,**/*.xml
[TCDeploy] Ant exclude pattern: **/.svn/**
[TCDeploy] Deploy relative path: file:/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Maven%20Project%20Test/workspace/
[TCDeploy] ------------------------------- Zip Contents Start -------------------------------
    1:  pom.xml
    2:  src/main/java/a_dir/a_sub_dir/
    11: src/main/resources/applicationContext.xml
    12: src/main/resources/b_dir/b.xml
    19: src/test/resources/logback-test.xml
    20: target/classes/applicationContext.xml
    27: target/test-classes/logback-access.xml
    28: target/test-classes/logback-test.xml
[TCDeploy] -------------------------------- Zip Contents End --------------------------------
[TCDeploy] Archive Compression Level: Normal
[TCDeploy] Archive temp file path: /tmp/1442216811482-0/
[TCDeploy] Archive temp file size: 33796
[TCDeploy] Archived content count: 28
[TCDeploy] ------------------------------- Upload Start -------------------------------
[TCDeploy] -------------------------------- Upload End --------------------------------
Finished: SUCCESS

Result in user input information, such as artifact ID and appkey, as well as files included in compressed files.

Plugin Setting for Client Type Application Uploads

User-specified binaries of successful build results from client-type application upload plugin can be uploaded to TCD server.


  • enable upload
    • Decide whether to enable/disable plugin operations. It is useful to disable plugin operations, while plugin setting is saved
  • app key
    • Application key for authentication.
  • artifact id
    • Artifact ID: only numbers are allowed.
  • binary group key
    • Key for the binary group to be uploaded: only numbers are allowed.
  • publish path
    • It is the path to be deployed to, from the workspace where build is completed. The example shows /, and in this case, what follows JENKINS_HOME/jobs/projectname/workspace becomes the path to upload, and if you enter target, then what follows JENKINS_HOME/jobs/projectname/workspace/target becomes the path.
  • binary kind
    • Categories upload binaries into Android, iOS, and others (etc).
  • (ipa/apk/etc/plist) file path
    • File name including path of the binary file to upload.
      • Unlike Android and iOS, other (etc) binaries have restrictions on extension.
      • For iOS, .ipa binary files and .plist metafiles must be uploaded altogether.
      • Allows file paths outside of the build workspace as well, unlike server-type upload tasks.
      • An expression like ${WORKSPACE}/target/a.ipa is available, as direct access path expression to workspace.
  • binary version
    • Binary version: processed the same as server application version.
  • description
    • Add description for upload.

[ Example of iOS Client Type Application Upload Build Output on Console]

[TCDeploy] Artifact id: [artifact id output]
[TCDeploy] App key: [application key output]
[TCDeploy] Application type: client
[TCDeploy] Description: Upload of client program test 
[TCDeploy] Upload address: [Upload address output]
[TCDeploy] Binary type: iOS
[TCDeploy] Binary version: IOS_59__build_iOS_Project_Test__2015-09-16_11-13-12
[TCDeploy] iOS binary file path: /tcdUploadTest/a.ipa
[TCDeploy] iOS meta file path: /tcdUploadTest/a.plist
[TCDeploy] ------------------------------- Upload Start -------------------------------
[TCDeploy] -------------------------------- Upload End --------------------------------
Finished: SUCCESS

Result in user input information, such as artifact ID and appkey, as well as binaries and metafiles to upload.

Jenkins-CLI Build Profile

It is the pre-defined profile supporting users to execute build commands by using Jenkins-CLI.


  1. Create SSH Pubilc/Private Key Pair

    • Create SSH public/private key pair with ssh-keygen or PuTTY Key Generator, and save SSH public key in the Jenkins build execution account, and SSH private key on the task execution server.
      • Only the SSH private keys which are not configured with passphrases are supported.
    • e.g.) Access http://[JENKINS_URL]/user/[user name]/configure, and save SSH public key created on SSH Public Keys, and save SSH private key files that are created on a user-defined path on the task execution server.
  2. Adjust http keep alive timeout

    • Check http keep alive timeout at a Jenkins server, and adjust the value.
    • e.g) If Jenkins is installed on RPM,
      • Add httpKeepAliveTimeout=[appropriate milliseconds] option to JENKINS_ARGS of /etc/sysconfig/jenkins.
  3. Regarding Stream Exceptions

    • In case occurs during build output is displayed on console, add -Dhudson.diyChunking=false option to JVM option which is for Jenkins.
    • e.g.) If Jenkins is installed on RPM,
      • Add Dhudson.diyChunking=false to JENKINS_JAVA_OPTIONS of /etc/sysconfig/jenkins.

Setting Profile


[ User Inputs ]

  • Select OS
  • RunAs
    • Enter execution account.
  • JenkinsServer
    • Enter domain or IP.
  • Server Charset
    • Enter collection of characters of a server to run Jenkins-CLI: default is UTF-8, if it is left empty.
  • Jenkins Url
    • Enter Jenkin server address to run build commands.
  • Jenkins Charset
    • Enter collection of characters of a Jenkins server: default is UTF-8, if it is left empty.
  • Java Home
    • Enter home path of JDK or JRE to perform Jenkins-CLI.
  • Job Name
    • Enter name of a build job to perform.
  • Private Key Path
    • Enter saving path of the SSH private key file to authenticate Jenkins user with SSH public key setting.
  • User (required value for 2.46 or higher versions)
  • Enter ID with public key setting.
    • Reference
      • 2.46 or Earlier Versions
        • Automatically authenticated at Jenkin on the public key setting.
      • 2.46 or Later Versions
        • Added with User (Jenkins admin ID), and authenticated only when public key is set for the ID.
  • Build Parameter (optional)
    • Enter parameters required for a build.