Added the feature to dynamically select resource selection.
Applied Stages
Deployment - Delete
Deployment - Disable
Deployment - Enable
Deployment - Patch
Deployment - Scale
Added the stage failure feature to all stages. You can see how to use it in the Pipeline Stage Guide.
You can use a blue/green deployment. You can learn how to use them in the Deployment Strategy Guide.
April 23, 2024
Added the chart repository URL type to Chart Repository Settings.
Made modifications so that the public type is available for chart repository, in addition to the private type.
March 26, 2024
Added Deployment - NHN Container Service, a new deployment stage. See Pipeline Stage Guide.
February 27, 2024
Added a new build stage, NHN Cloud Build Tool v2.
Improved performance and changed tag formats.
Existing build tools will be faded out no longer be created.
January 23, 2024.
Added the feature to set email recipient address in Organization/Project Dashboard > Manage Notifications.
Added the Confirm Scenario button when selecting a scenario in the NHN Cloud Deploy Service stage.
Click Confirm Scenarioto view task information for that scenario.
Added the Deployment History Management page, where you can view the history of pipeline runs and deployment target tasks. You can see how to use it in the Deployment History Management Guide.
December 19, 2023
The Feature - NHN Cloud Deploy Service stage has been added to run deployment scenarios of NHN Cloud Deploy. For how to use it, see Pipeline Stage Guide.
Added Artifact to the GitHub Autorun settings. Set a specific file as an artifact to run a pipeline when a Git push event occurs, based on the inclusion or exclusion of that file.
October 31, 2023
Added the Feature - Approval Management stage that prevents subsequent stages from running without approval. For more information, see Pipeline Stage Guide.
Added sample scenarios in the Pipeline Template Guide. You can download how-to and template files from Pipeline Template Guide.
September 26, 2023
Added the pipeline template feature. For how to use the feature, see Pipeline User Guide.
Create a pipeline by uploading template files(JSON format).
You can use tags in Branch or Tag from Github Autorun Settings. Use tags to perform builds on autorun with tags.
August 29, 2023
Added the Feature - Run the Pipeline stage to run entire other pipelines. See Pipeline User Guide.
The development environment feature provided by the Pipeline service is no longer provided. The development environment feature is available as a notebook of AI EasyMaker service. More details can be found in the AI EasyMaker User Guide.
Renamed Deployment Target Monitoring to Deployment Target Management.
Added the feature to manage workloads deployed to clusters via Pipeline and check the workload history to the Deployment Target Management.
June 27, 2023
Deployment - Added the Deploy Target Management feature that allows you to check the output deployed to the Deploy stage. For more information, see Pipeline User Guide.
Kubernetes workloads and services can be found in Deploy Target Management.
Added the [Feature - Judgement (Run Management)] and [Feature - Precondition (Run Condition)] stages that allow for pipeline branch processing. For more information, see Pipeline Stage Guide and Pipeline User Guide.
March 28, 2023
Added the Build - Bake (Manifest) stage that can create results for deployment using Helm charts. For more details, see Pipeline User Guide.
Added the chart repository settings available in the Build - Bake (Manifest) stage. For more details, see Pipeline User Guide.
Added a feature to select Manifest as artifacts in the Deployment - Deploy stage.
February 28, 2023
Added an artifact feature that allows you to use external repository resources as start or end condtions for pipeline stages. You can find how to use in Pipeline User Guide
January 31, 2023
Added a feature to assign dynamically created tags by using the image tag format in the build stage.
Added a feature to deploy with the most recent tag among tags dynamically created using the image tag format in the deployment stage.
Changes to how image autorun is executed as follows.
Tag value is excluded from required values from autorun settings.
Changed to automatically run the entered tag and a matched tag with regular expression are pushed.
Changed to automatically run a tag when it is pushed with tags excluding latest as long as the tag is not entered.
December 27, 2022
Fixed an issue where, when creating a pipeline, you have to select a source repository in the Source Settings step to go to the previous stage.
October 25, 2022
Modified to display a guide message when the kubernetes integration test in deployment target times out.
August 23, 2022
Made modifications so that, when running a pipeline without stages through the API, a failure response is returned.
July 26, 2022
Added a webhook stage.
Changed the API endpoint domain from to
May 24, 2022
Added the connection check feature for the source repository, image registry, build tool, and deployment target. You can see how to use it in the Pipeline User Guide.
Added details to CloudTrail.
Added details for deletion of settings
Added details about pipeline execution
February 22, 2022
Added GitLab to the source repository. You can find how to use it in the Pipeline User Guide.
January 25, 2022
Added an API to run Pipeline. You can find how to use it in the Pipeline API Guide.
Known issues (to be improved after analyzing the cause)
When creating a development environment, if you specify a value for the development environment constraints, the development environment creation fails.
May 25, 2021
Added integration with CloudTrail. You can check the events that occurred in Pipeline in CloudTrail.
April 27, 2021
Release of a New Service
A continuous deployment (CD) service that lets you manage the application deployment flow, such as building source code, creating container images, and deploying container images.