This document explains how to create a pipeline using a template file.
Download a JSON file from an existing pipeline to create a new pipeline of the same type.
You can download the JSON file by selecting an existing pipeline and clicking Pipeline Studio > View JSON > Download Pipeline Template.
2.1 In Pipeline management, click Create Pipeline. Upload the downloaded JSON file and click Confirm to create a pipeline with the same settings as the JSON file.
Use sample template files for each scenario to create pipelines easily.
You can use it by downloading the JSON file for the scenario you want, and then entering the entirety of the data it requires in curly braces ({}
). Note that the data must be registered, especially for data prefixed with [env configuration]
, as it uses data from Pipeline > env configuration. You can find instructions on how to register in the Pipeline user guide.
Sample scenario templates for using Bake Stage will be available at a later date due to feature changes.
This is a scenario where you get the source code from Github, build it with the NHN Cloud build tool, and deploy it as manifest information to the target server.
After downloading the registered JSON file, you'll need to enter information about the data indicated by curly braces.
The guide is based on Github during the source stage. A detailed guide to the stages can be found in the Pipeline stage guide.
"type": "githubSource",
"name": "source",
"refId": "1",
"requisiteStageRefIds": [],
"sourceRepo": "{Source repository name stored in [preferences] source repository settings}", //requires source repository name registered in env configuration.
"branch": "{Deployment target branch}" //Requires input of a value corresponding to the source branch to be deployed (e.g., main).
"sourceRepo": "{Source repository name stored in the source repository settings}
", check the source repository name to use among the information registered in the source repository settings in the env configuration, and modify it like "sourceRepo": "github-pipeline
The image storage settings and deployment target settings alsoneed to be modified after name resolution.
The guide is based on the NHN Cloud build tool during the build stage. You can find detailed guides for the stages in the Pipeline Stage Guide.
"type": "imageBuild",
"name": "build",
"refId": "2",
"requisiteStageRefIds": [
"buildImageRegistry": "{image repository name stored in [env configuration] image repository settings}", //requires an image repository name registered in the env configuration (e.g. buildImageRegistry-pipeline).
"buildImageName": "{image name}", //Image name input is required (e.g. maven).
"buildImageTag": "{image tag}", //Image tag information is required (e.g. 1.0.0).
"buildCommand": "{buildCommand}", //A build command is required (e.g. mvn package).
"dockerfilePath": "{Dockerfile path}", //Dockerfile path input is required (e.g. Dockerfile).
"buildWorkDir": "", //Optionally, enter the executable path of the Dockerfile.
"pushImageRegistry": "{[Preferences] Name of the image repository stored in the image repository settings where the build results will be uploaded}", //You need to enter the name of the image repository registered in the env configuration (e.g. pushImageRegistry-pipeline).
"pushImageName": "{build result image name}", //Requires an image name for the build result (e.g. result-image).
"pushImageTag": "{build-result-image-tag}", // Requires a tag for the build result image (e.g. latest).
"buildFlavorName": "c2m4", //Default is c2m4, also available for c4m8 performance.
"buildTimeout": 30, //Default is 30 minutes. Can be entered from 1 to 600.
"startArtifacts": null,
"expectedArtifacts": null
The Deploy stage is guided by the Deploy stage. You can find a detailed guide to the stages in the Pipeline stage guide.
"type": "deployManifest",
"name": "deploy",
"refId": "3",
"requisiteStageRefIds": [
"deployTarget": "{[env configuration] Deployment target name stored in your deployment target settings}", //requires a deployment target name registered in the env configuration(e.g. deploy-pipeline).
"manifests": [
// Deployment manifest information is required.
// Refer to the example below to create, register, and use it.
"apiVersion": "apps/v1",
"kind": "Deployment",
"metadata": {
"labels": {
"app": "pipeline-test"
"name": "pipeline-test"
"spec": {
"replicas": 2,
"revisionHistoryLimit": 3,
"selector": {
"matchLabels": {
"app": "pipeline-test-example"
"template": {
"metadata": {
"labels": {
"app": "pipeline-test-example"
"name": "pipeline-test-example"
"spec": {
"containers": [
"image": "",
"imagePullPolicy": "Always",
"name": "pipeline-test",
"ports": [
"containerPort": 8080
"namespaceOverride": "",
"startArtifacts": null,
"expectedArtifacts": null,
"manifestArtifactId": null,
"manifestSource": "text",
"manifestArtifact": null
The manifest information used by the Deploy stage needs to be changed to fit your deployment environment. The YAML file needs to be changed to JSON format (It is recommended to work in the console UI with stage changes).
The following scenarios are also based on that scenario.
This is a scenario to receive notifications via webhook after deployment. Enter the data corresponding to the URL, Payload, and Method to receive the webhook.
You can find a detailed guide to the Webhook stage in the Pipeline stage guide.
"type": "webhook",
"name": "webhook",
"refId": "4",
"requisiteStageRefIds": [
"url": "{Webhook send URL}",
"payload": null, // http request body
"customHeaders": {}, // http request header
"failFastStatusCodes": [
500 // 403,500,503
"method": "{}" // GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, HEAD
You can set up Github (GitLab, image repository) autoruns by setting up the Trigger area of the template. There is additional guidance on inputs in the Autorun section of thePipeline console user guide.
"triggers": [
"type": "git",
"branch": "{Branch}",
"organization": "{Organization name or username}",
"secret": "{Secret information}",
"project": "{Project name}",
"source": "github"
One pipeline can be deployed to branch out based on your preferences. This scenario can be utilized when deploying to separate environments, such as development and real.
As shown in the pipeline written in the example, you can select develop
, real
to deploy to the environment of your choice.
You can change it to any other value, and the value of the Precondition Stage behind it will need to be modified equally.
You can find detailed guides for the Judgment and Precondition stages in the Pipeline stage guides.
"type": "manualJudgment",
"name": "judgement",
"refId": "4",
"requisiteStageRefIds": [
"failPipeline": false,
"completeOtherBranchesThenFail": false,
"continuePipeline": false,
"instructions": "Development environment, real environment branch processing",
"judgmentInputs": [
"value": "develop" // Must be the same value as the preconditions.
"value": "real" // Must be the same value as preconditions.
"notifications": []
"type": "checkPreconditions",
"name": "precondition-develop",
"refId": "5",
"requisiteStageRefIds": [
"preconditions": [
"failPipeline": false,
"type": "expression",
"context": {
"equals": true,
"targetExecutionValue": "develop", // Can be changed to any value you want.
"expression": null,
"failureMessage": null
"type": "checkPreconditions",
"name": "precondition-real",
"refId": "6",
"requisiteStageRefIds": [
"preconditions": [
"failPipeline": false,
"type": "expression",
"context": {
"equals": true,
"targetExecutionValue": "real", // Can be changed to any value you want.
"expression": null,
"failureMessage": null
In scenario #4, you can add an approval stage before deploying to a real environment, configuring it to be deployed after approval.
You can find a detailed guide to the approval management stage in the Pipeline stage guide.
"type": "manualJudgment",
"name": "approve",
"refId": "8",
"requisiteStageRefIds": [
"instructions": "This is the approval management stage.",
"judgmentInputs": [],
"approval": true
When pipelines are organized separately by environment, the pipeline itself can be selected and deployed.
"type": "pipeline",
"name": "execute-pipeline",
"refId": "4",
"requisiteStageRefIds": [
"pipeline": "{Pipeline ID you want to run}",
"waitForCompletion": true
"type": "pipeline",
"name": "execute-pipeline",
"refId": "5",
"requisiteStageRefIds": [
"pipeline": "{Pipeline ID you want to run}",
"waitForCompletion": true
The pipeline ID can be found by clicking Pipeline Studio > Pipeline Version > View JSON.
You can configure a pipeline for Blue/Green deployments. You can learn more about Blue/Green deployments in the Deployment strategy guide.
"type": "disableManifest",
"name": "disable old app",
"refId": "2",
"requisiteStageRefIds": [
"deployTarget": "{deploy target name stored in [preferences] deploy target settings}", //requires a deploy target name registered in preferences (e.g. deploy-pipeline).
"namespace": "{namespace name}",
"mode": "dynamic",
"kind": "replicaSet",
"cluster": "replicaSet {Name of ReplicaSet created in stage 1}",
"criteria": "Second Newest"
You can find a detailed guide to the Deploy - Disable stage in the Pipeline Stage Guide.
For a Blue/Green deployment, you must first create a Service through Pipeline.
You can configure a pipeline for Blue/Green deployments. You can learn more about Blue/Green deployments in the Deployment strategy guide.
Almost the same as the scenario in #7, with the addition of a Webhook stagefor service monitoring.
"type": "webhook",
"name": "Monitoring Application",
"refId": "3",
"requisiteStageRefIds": [
"ifStageFailType": "IGNORE_THE_FAILURE",
"url": "{URL where you can check the status of the service}", // Add a URL where you can check the status of the service.
"payload": null,
"customHeaders": {},
"failFastStatusCodes": [].
"method": "GET"