Application Service > API Gateway > Enum Code

Enum Code

This document describes Enum codes referenced in the API v1.0 guide.

API Gateway Region

  • Indicates the region where the API Gateway server is located.
Name Description
KR1 Korea (Pangyo) Region
KR2 Korea (Pyeongchon) Region

API Gateway Service Type

  • The service type of API Gateway according to the Shared or Dedicated type.
  • Currently, only Shared API Gateway service type is supported.
Name Description
SHARED Shared API Gateway service type

HTTP Method Type

  • Supported HTTP method types.
Name Description

Resource Plugin Type

  • A plugin type that can be set for resources.
Name Description Where the plugin can be applied
HTTP Forwards a API request received by API Gateway to the defined backend endpoint URL path. Method
MOCK Returns a defined response to a request received by API Gateway. Method
CORS Allows XMLHttpRequest API calls within a cross-site method. Resource path
SET_REQUEST_HEADER Adds or changes the request header. Resource path, method
REMOVE_REQUEST_HEADER Deletes the request header. Resource path, method
SET_RESPONSE_HEADER Adds the header to a backend response or changes the header. Resource path, method
REMOVE_RESPONSE_HEADER Deletes the header from a backend response. Resource path, method
ADD_REQUEST_QUERY_PARAMETER Adds a query string parameter to the backend endpoint request. Resource path, method

Resource Request/Response Parameter Data Type

  • A data type that can be set in resource request/response parameters.
Name Description
STRING String data type
BOOLEAN Boolean data type
INTEGER Integer data type
LONG Long data type
FLOAT Float data type
DOUBLE Double data type
FILE File data type. It can be set only in Request Parameters > Form Data.

Stage Resource > Plugin Type

  • A plugin type that can be configured on the stage resource path or method.
Name Description Where the plugin can be applied
IP_ACL IP access control plugin Root (/) resource path
HMAC HMAC request validation plugin Root (/) resource path
JWT JWT token validation plugin Root (/) resource path
API_KEY API Key validation plugin Resource path, method
REQUEST_VALIDATOR Request validator plugin Resource path, method
PRE_API Pre-call API plugin Resource path, method
RATE_LIMIT Request number limit plugin Method

JWT > Encryption Algorithm

  • The encryption algorithm used to sign the JWT token.
Name Description
HS256 A symmetric key algorithm, which uses the HS256 (HMAC with SHA-256) algorithm to sign tokens.
RS256 An asymmetric key algorithm, which uses public/private keys to sign tokens using the RSA256 (RSA Signature with SHA-256) algorithm.

JWT > Claim Data Type

  • The data type of the JWT claim.
Name Description
Array A data type of array format.
String A data type of string format.
NumericDate A data type representing the number of seconds from 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z UTC to the specified UTC date/time, ignoring milliseconds.

JWT > RS256 Encryption Algorithm > Public Key Type

  • RS256 uses a public/private key based encryption algorithm. Set the public key setting method.
Name Description
RSA_PUBLIC_KEY This method sets the public key in PEM format.
JWKS_URI This method sets the JSON Web Key Set URI where public key can be queried.

Request Number Limit > Limit Key

  • The key to which the request number limit applies.
Name Description
DEFAULT Applies a limit on the number of requests for a resource method.
IP Applies a limit on the number of requests for a resource method per client IP.
HEADER Applies a limit on the number of requests for a resource method per value of the specified header name.
PATH_VARIABLE Applies a limit on the number of requests for a resource method per path variable.

Stage Deployment > Deployment Status

  • The status of the stage deployment job.
Name Description
DEPLOYING Deployment in progress
COMPLETE Deployment complete (successful)
FAILURE Deployment failed

Usage Plan > Quota Period Unit

  • The unit of period for which the quota is initialized.
Name Description
DAY Limit call volume per day. Reset daily at 00:00:00 UTC.
MONTH Limit call volume on a monthly basis. Reset at 00:00:00 UTC on the 1st of every month.

API Key Status

  • The status of the API Key.
  • A deactivated API key fails to authenticate the API key, making API calls impossible.
Name Description
ACTIVE Active status
INACTIVE Inactive status

API Key Type

  • The types of Primary API Key and Secondary API Key of the issued API Key.
Name Description

API Key Subscription Status

  • The subscription status of the API Key.
Name Description
APPROVAL Approved status

Statistics Data Time Unit

  • The unit of time for which statistics data is collected
Name Description
ONE_MINUTES Collects statistics data at 1 minute intervals
TEN_MINUTES Collects statistics data at 10 minute intervals
ONE_HOURS Collects statistics data at 1 hour intervals
ONE_DAYS Collects statistics data at daily intervals

Statistics > Sort Top 10 Services By

Name Description
CALL_COUNT Sort by total API calls in descending order
FAIL_CALL_COUNT Sort by number of failed API calls in descending order
AVG_RESPONSE_TIME Sort by average response time in descending order

Gateway response type

Gateway response type Default status codes Description
UpstreamServiceUnavailable 503 Response that occurs when the backend endpoint service is unresponsive or experiencing a persistent response delay (60 seconds or more).
GatewayTimeout 504 Response that occurs when the gateway's maximum response time (60 seconds) is exceeded.
Unauthorized 401 Response that occurs when the requested information required for authentication is missing or if authentication fails.
JwksError 500 Response that occurs if the JWT's JWKS is set incorrectly.
PreApiFailed 502 Response that occurs when the pre-call API does not respond to a request from API Gateway. If the response status code of the pre-call API is not 200, the response from the pre-call API is passed to the client as it is.
Forbidden 403 Response that occurs when you deny a request that you are not authorized to access.
RateLimited 429 Response that occurs when rejecting a request that exceeds a limited number of requests.
UsageQuotaExceeded 429 Response that occurs when denying a request that exceeds a limited request quota.
InvalidUri 400 Response occurs when the URI configuration on the backend endpoint is incorrect.
NotFound 404 Response that occurs when making a request with an unregistered path and method.
BadGateway 502 Response that occurs when the backend endpoint is unresponsive or refuses to respond.
InvalidContextVariable 500 Response that occurs due to an incorrect context variable setting
BadRequest 400 Response that occurs due to an invalid client request.
InternalServerError 500 Response that occurs when an unexpected error occurred.