Made modifications to that the search field for log retention periods can be viewed
December 19, 2023
Feature Updates
[Console] Changed the External Log Storage Settings
Separate setup available for each type (OBS/AWS S3)
August 29, 2023
Feature Updates
[Console] Changed the length limit for some fields when setting log alarms
Changed the length limit for alarm title from 20 characters to 80 characters
Changed the length limit for alarm description from 80 characters to 255 characters
May 30, 2023
Bug Fixes
[Console] Changed so that the UserTxtData does not appear in the selectable fields
Feature Updates
[Console] Changed so that the UserTxtData field appears as a default field, not a custom field, in the search field menu
April 26, 2023
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug where the user-based alarm does not work
December 27, 2022
Feature Updates
[Console] Added a feature to refresh log search automatically
[Console] Added a feature to set conditions on log search period by dragging log search result charts
November 29, 2022
Bug Fixes
[Console] Improved the log click search feature of the log search results
Fixed a bug where, when clicking a word in the txt* or body field for search, all field values are searched
Fixed a bug where, when clicking the custom field for search, highlighting is not applied
September 27, 2022
Bug Fixes
[Console] Fixed a bug where, when deleting queries continuously from the saved query list menu, you are navigated to an error page
August 23, 2022
Feature Updates
[Console] Changed the method of calling global utility functions
July 26, 2022
Feature Updates
[Console] Improved the UI/UX of the log search result page
Provided a view option in enumerated format
Bug Fixes
[Console] Fixed an issue where crash dump data of some platforms are not downloaded
[Console] Fixed an issue where the alarm status change button does not work on pages after page two in the log alarm setting
June 30, 2022
Feature Updates
[Console] Improved the UI/UX of the selected field dialog
Adjusted the position of field dialog
Scroll is not moved to the top even if you change the number of items per page.
The number of items per page is not reset even if you move to another page after changing the number of items per page.
[Console] Bug fixes
Fixed a bug where, when you modify the settings of an alarm that contains certain characters in the query, it is displayed differently from the saved query
May 24, 2022
Feature Updates
[Console] Improved the UI/UX of the web console
Unified the method of displaying the time in the web console
Added a loading image in the web console
[Console] Bug fixes
Fixed an error where the list of error instances is not displayed when the data has a specific value in the Error Instance menu of the app crash issue details
April 26, 2022
Feature Updates
[Console] Improved the UI/UX of the log alarm setting page
Fixed a bug where the screen was not displayed properly when changing Alarm Type from Number of Occurrences to Rate of Increase/Decrease in the Add Alarm Configuration dialog box
March 29, 2022
Feature Updates
[Console] Improved the UI/UX of the log search page
Changed the position of the button displayed when expanding the log search results
Changed to enable keyboard selection of query auto-completion items when searching logs
February 22, 2022
Feature Updates
[Console] Improved the UI/UX of the log search page
Changed the display format when expanding the log search results
For crash logs, added the View Issue button to the Log Search page
January 25, 2022
Feature Updates
[Console] Improved the UX of the log search page
Made the log search result table header fixed
Changed the form of the pop-up window displayed when clicking the field name in 'Selected Fields'
November 23, 2021
Feature Updates
[Console] Made the web console with the new UI/UX the default and removed the feature for switching to the previous web console
[Console] Improved the UX of the log search page
Moved the expand column in the log search result table to the leftmost column
Added a feature to display the number of value types of the field to the right side of the field name in the "Selected Fields" area
In the modal window that appears when clicking on the field name in the "Selected Fields" area, added a feature to display the correct number when the number of value types in the field exceeds 100
July 27, 2021
Feature Updates
[Console] Improved and changed the entire UI/UX of web console
April 27, 2021
Feature Updates
[Console] Provided the API for searching logs
[Console] Applied masking to the fields that are configured by an administrator in the project while downloading logs
Bug Fixes
[Console] Fixed an issue in which HTML strings were parsed and displayed when they were included in the body of the log search page
[Console] Fixed an issue in which a problem would occur when the status of multiple crash issues were changed at the same time
December 15, 2020
Feature Updates
[Console] Added a feature to display and limit the maximum number of input characters for title and description during alarm setting
[Console] Fixed a bug where the crash alarm was not saved when the threshold was modified to 0
[Console] For the log retention period, deleted 6 months and 1 year, and added 4 months
October 27, 2020
Feature Updates
[Console] Supports the event history page for events that can be accessed without session
Supports the event history page link replacing the previous console link when a log alarm is triggered
Added the event history page link to SMS as well
October 13, 2020
Feature Updates
Changed the capacity limit for a single log (general or crash) from 2MB to 8MB
September 22, 2020
Feature Updates
[Console] Supports IAM console from access link for TOAST Log & Search, attached to notifications of email, or Dooray!
August 25, 2020
Feature Updates
[Console] Updated to enter and execute multiple objects for alarm callback/webhook
July 28, 2020
Feature Updates
[Console] Added the feature of integrity validation for logs that are externally stored
[Console] Support analysis of iOS app crashes with Bitcode applied
Made modifications so that symbol files for each architecture can be uploaded and analyzed within the same version
April 28, 2020
Feature Updates
[Console] Limited the maximum available period for a log search to 3 months
[API] Changed the identification method for Android NDK crash
Bug Fixes
[Console] Fixed a bug where, when modifying a saved query, the query is not saved in particular conditions
March 24, 2020
Feature Updates
[Console] Modified the error message for failure in deleting saved queries
February 25, 2020
Feature Updates
[Console] Modified tooltip messages on the setting page of SDK log delivery.
[Console] Added a Lucene query validation process to the query saving feature.
Bug Fixes
[Console] Fixed bugs in which particular Windows symbol files cannot be processed in uploading symbol files.
If the age of Windows PDB exceeds 11 due to multiple builds, symbol files that are extracted afterwards may contain a guid with 34 characters or more. The limit of 33 characters for a guid field has been released.
[Console] Fixed a bug where, when searching for logs older than 30 days, the saved fields are not properly displayed.
January 21, 2020
Feature Updates
[Console] Changed the method to locate the occurrence of iOS crashes.
[Console] Allows additional display of information on iOS crashes (on TOAST SDK iOS 0.21.0 or higher versions).
October 29, 2019
Feature Updates
[Console] Added the feature of S3 uploading.
[Console] Changed the error message for alarms activated due to invalid query of alarm.
August 27, 2019
Bug Fixes
[Console] Fixed an event in which search of a particular query is unavailable from the list.
June 25, 2019
Feature Updates
Fixed the (null) ((null)) symbolication result of some iOS crash logs.
Increased the capacity limit of a single log case (general and crash) from 1MB to 2MB.
Made modifications so that the actual phone numbers are displayed on the list of alarm recipients.
Bug Fixes
Allowed to query modified alarms from the list, when the last modifier has been excluded from project members.
May 28, 2019
Bug Fixes
[Console] Fixed abnormal operations in some pages for Windows 10 and Internet Explorer 11.
[Console] Fixed the unavailability of interpreting some zip files when symbolized files were uploaded.
[Console] Allows to immediately apply particular parts when language was changed on a web console.
[Console] Fixed the alarm setting by which https callback setting was unavailable.
March 27, 2019
Feature Updates
[Console] Support analysis of crashes occured on iOS arm64e (requires compatible SDK).
[Console] Support analysis of crash occurred on Android NDK (requires compatible SDK).
[Console] Apply globalization (in Japanese)
January 15, 2019
Feature Updates
[Console] Applied the User console
[Console] Exclude crash occurred at Unity from the indicator.
Not collected from Search App Crash > App Crash Indicators.
[Console] Added the feature of reverting status before registration, after issue tracker is registered.
[Console] Emphasize actual symbol names applied for symbolication on the symbolic file management page.
November 27, 2018
Feature Updates
[Console] Fixed an issue in which exception type is not properly judged when an Android crash occurs for Unity and the crash type is recorded as 'java.lang.Error'.
Fixed an issue in which access is unavailable to detail page from Web Console > Crash > Query Issues.
Fixed failed exposure of issue count per version from Web Console > Crash > Issue Statistics.
[Console] Updates for Alarm-related UX/UI
Alarm registration
History of alarms
Crash alarm registration
History of crash alarms
User-based alarm registration
History of user-based alarms
[Console] Added guides of symbol files for Android Unity on the Web Console > Setting > Uploading Symbol Files.
[Console] Changed validation for Network Insight URL.
Fixed an issue in which the loglevel was set as fatal when Unity crash logs occurred on iOS.
May 29, 2018
[Console] Fixed an issue in which symbolication didn't work when bundles of duplicate names (e.g. Framework.UIKit, Accessibility.UIKit) exist among iOS crash symbolication.
When a user, who registered content for Query Issue > Issue Details > Comment, History, has been deleted from project members, the user is identified as "[Deleted Member]" on email.
Bug Fixes
Fixed bugs in the log alarm setting, where log alarm list is not properly queried when "" is included to the character strings included (excluded) to the filtering rule
Made modifications to show failure alarms when there's no member list when newly saving crash alarms
November 24, 2016
[SDK] Changed the setting to get a host from internal thread, since the getaddrinfo function applied to get a host field hangs on some devices
Updated Version: Android-NDK 2.4.4
November 4, 2016
Bug Fixes
[SDK] Changed logic to Thread, since Android 2.4.1 has a bug preventing AsyncTask from cancelled
Updated Version: Android 2.4.2
October 20, 2016
Feature Updates
Collect DeviceID as original ID of device
Sending crash logs via new SDK allows DeviceID to be collected, and indicators by DeviceID are made available on Console > Log & Crash Search > Crashes > App Crash Indicators.
[SDK] When a log delivery is unavailable, it can be saved in a file to be transferred during normal communication.
[SDK] Applied duplicate log processing routine to all logs
When duplicate log is enabled, the logs with the same Body and logLevel are not sent.
If necessary, user's own control is available on a specific API.
For more details, see Developer's Guide.
[Console] Changed 'Session', 'User Count' from App Crash Indicators , to 'Execution Count', and 'User experiencing crash'.
September 29, 2016
Feature Updates
Set alarm thresholds and added http callback
Support operators (>,>=,=,<=,<) for comparing alarm thresholds
Added the feature of More/Less as compared to n time ago
Added snoozing
Added the UserTxtData field downloadable from the log search page
Check "UserTxtData" on the Log Search page from [Download|View]
Bug Fixes
[SDK] Fixed repetitive attempts of initialization, for exceptional cases, due to failure in initializing log transfer objects
Updated SDK: logback , log4j, log4j2
[SDK] Fixed a bug in which value was not properly added to the log when UserID was set for the fixed init function
Updated SDK: iOS
September 12, 2016
Bug Fixes
[SDK] Added exception processing codes for carrier and for cases in which the carrier value is returned to null
Updated SDK: Unity(v.2.3.4)
August 22, 2016
Feature Updates
Changed the option and length restrictions of Custom Field Default
Set false for 'Analyzed' when the custom field is created
Changed the available log length for a transfer from 128byte to 2Kbyte
When a log transfer with 2Kbyte or more is required, specify txt prefix for the field name to create a custom field
Field names (txt_description) starting with txt, such as txt*; string, or option [in], are saved as analyzed fields
Search by some character strings of a field value is available on the log search page
August 18, 2016
Feature Updates
Added a feature to set on or off Log Transfers
User can set On/Off for logs transferred via Log & Crash Search (General/Crash/Session Logs) and decide whether to collect on console.
Non-collected logs are not displayed on the screen and excluded from API or Storage charges.
Updated SDK by adding the Log On/Off feature.
Updated SDK(v.2.3.0): Unity, Android , Windows, and iOS
[API] Added UserBinaryData field
Download is available on the log search page when log file or binary file is sent to the field
Bug Fixes
[Console] Fixed the speed issue of loading crash details
August 4, 2016
Feature Updates
[SDK][Unity] Updated to 2.2.6
Changed the saving format of SaveToFile
Made modifications to perform conversion by using regular expression and JSON libraries
Limited the maximum number of files that can be saved to 100
Limited the maximum number of queues to remove duplicates to 100
Bug Fixes
[API] Fixed an issue in which json array or object is converted to string, when sent to a specific field