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In this menu, administrators could register notice which should be shared within the organization. Registered notice documents are viewed in the relevant menu, and main page of Online Contact.
Before registering notice documents, you could add headings which documents would be classified. Please proceed adding headings before registering notice documents or templates since selecting heading is required when registering. Only administrators could register, edit, delete headings.
Headings of internal notice are divided as follows:
You can register headings by selecting heading classification, entering name and pressing the registration button, and you can edit and delete headings.
Please note that heading names cannot be duplicated, regardless of whether they are private or common.
From distribute document menu, you could view or search information related to notice documents which are currently shown to agents in the organization. ① Registering, ② editing, deleting of notice documents are available to only administrators.
Viewable information is as follows:
For frequently used forms when creating notices, you could add templates to shorten the time for creating documents. You could ① Register templates, and only administrators could register, edit, delete templates.
Items which need to be filled are as follows:
Tags could be helpful for searching. Tags could be registered by ① Register button, and ② Editing, Deleting is also available. Only administrators could register, edit, delete tags. The most recent registered tag would be viewed first.
Tags are divided as follows:
You can register tags by selecting classification, entering name and pressing the ③ registration button. Please note that tag names cannot be duplicated, regardless of whether they are private or common.
By clicking Registration Notice button in distribute document menu, you could create notice document to be shared to agents of the organization.
Items which need to be filled are as follows:
After filling all the items, click ⑨ Register button to register document.
In this menu, administrators could register consultation knowledge which should be shared within the organization. Registered knowledge documents are viewed in the relevant menu, and main page of Online Contact.
Before registering knowledge documents, you could add headings which documents would be classified. Please proceed adding headings before registering documents or templates since selecting heading is required when registering. Only administrators could register, edit, delete headings.
Headings of internal notice are divided as follows:
You can register headings by selecting heading classification, entering name and pressing the registration button, and you can edit and delete headings.
Please note that heading names cannot be duplicated, regardless of whether they are private or common.
From consultation knowledge menu, you could view, or search information related to knowledge documents which are currently shown to agents in the organization. ① Registering, ② editing, deleting of knowledge documents are available to only administrators.
Viewable information is as follows:
For frequently used forms when creating knowledge documents, you could add templates to shorten the time for creating documents. You could ① Register templates, and only administrators could register, edit, delete templates.
Items which need to be filled are as follows:
Tags could be helpful for searching. Tags could be registered by ① Register button, and ② Editing, Deleting is also available. Only administrators could register, edit, delete tags. The most recent registered tag would be viewed first.
Tags are divided as follows:
You can register tags by selecting classification, entering name and pressing the ③ registration button. Please note that tag names cannot be duplicated, regardless of whether they are private or common.
By clicking Registration button in consultation knowledge menu, you could create knowledge document to be shared to agents of the organization.
Items which need to be filled are as follows:
After filling all the items, click ⑨ Register button to register document.