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Escalated tickets could be assigned to groups or agents by trigger conditions(Can set in Service Management → Ticket → Trigger menu), or could be manually assigned. Tickets can be escalated from consultation management service, or created by the agent of issue management service. Colors given to each inflow channel can be used to classify tickets.
From ① All Tickets Menu, you could check the overall situation of tickets regardless of status or agent in charge. And from other detailed menus, you could check the current situation of tickets categorized by detailed conditions such as group or ticket status.
Information which you could check by each detailed menu is as follows:
Agents could assign unassigned tickets to oneself through ‘keep’ button. Click ① Keep button, and select agent group if you belong to more than one group.
If ticket assign is set through trigger, tickets could be assigned according to the trigger conditions. In this case, to change automatically assigned agents, administrator of the service could forward the ticket to another agent. Click ② Forward button, and select agent/group.
If a escalated/created ticket is assigned, the status of the ticket changes to ‘processing’. Customer inquiries could be processed in this state. You could utilize Ticket Information, Ticket History, Event tabs when processing a ticket.
After filling in the contents, you can pre-check whether the banned word is included, and the final reply mail including the mail layout through ① ticket preview. Tickets could be ② processed as follows. When a ticket is resolved or pended, the status of the ticket in counsultation management service changes to Escalation resolved.
③ Ticket Batching function could be used when similar inquiries need to be answered at once, or when agents/groups of tickets should be changed together.
✔ [FAQ] How can I use answer templates? ✔ [FAQ] Can I process tickets with the same inquiry all at once?
You could create new tickets through ① Create Ticket button. Tickets could be created when additional tickets are needed in the process of handling customer inquiries. The following items are required to enter when creating a ticket:
If Security Service function is activated in the contract details, Masking Personal Information button is showed in the ticket management page. Through this function, the personal information of the customer could be encrypted.
The areas where you can mask personal information when managing tickets are customer inquiries and replies from agents. Drag to select the area which needs masking, and click Masking Personal Information button. The personal information inside the page will be substituted with asterisks (*). The masked data is stored in the masked state on the database.
To remove data masking, click the substituted area. A pop-up page asking whether to remove data masking will be showed. Click confirm to remove data masking on the page and database.
If you click the ① Search Ticket button in top of the ticket list, conditions of searching tickets will be displayed. The conditions are as follows.