Global Management menu in Issue Management service consists of Contract Service Status, Organization Administrator, Authority Log Management and Data Transfer menu.
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Through Contract status tab, you can ① add service to organization using Online Contact, ② edit basic information/contents of contract, ③ set service usage state, ④ terminate service.
Click ① Add Service button to view ② Add Service screen for entering basic information for the service. The following items require input:
After entering all the basic information, press the next button to go to ③ Contract Details. On the Contract Details screen, you can activate functions from the consultation functions provided by Online Contact for your service and calculate Estimated Cost that reflect your choice. After completing the contract details, press Contract button to complete the contract.
If you leave without going through all the steps of entering basic information and contract details when adding service, the status of service will be displayed inactivated, and the steps that were not progressed will be indicated by the button Enrollment. For services which contract steps are completed, you can edit basic and contract information through the ① Edit button, activate or inactivate service through ② State button, and terminate service through ③ Terminate button. Please note that terminate button becomes active only when the status of the service is inactivated.
Rate status tab allows you to view monthly charges by type, individual service, and total through ① Search button. ② Service status will be displayed together if charges are set to be viewed based on individual services.
✔ [FAQ] I want to know about the charge criteria. ✔ [FAQ] When and how will the charge be paid?
In Organization Information tab, ① NHN Cloud Organization Information, ② OC Organization Information is available.
In the menu, users can check the information written below, and the same information could be checked and modified in NHN Cloud Console → Organization Management → Default Organization Setting tab.
In the menu, users can check the information written below. OC Organization Key could be changed by Change API Key button, and OC URL changes together when changing the NHN Cloud Organization Domain.
Organization Administrator has access to functions related to managing organization, agents, and organization administrators. Since consulting and service management functions are not available only by the organization administrator authority, getting administrator or agent authority from [Service Management → Agent] menu is needed to consult, or set service. The user whom you want to grant permission must be registered as an IAM member.
✔ [FAQ] Types and difference between permissions
Select one of the above two methods to register IAM member. After registering, click ② Add Organization Administrator → click View Agent → Search registered IAM Member by entering name/account/email, and add IAM Member as organization administrator. To newly registered IAM Members, password change mail will be sent to the registered email. Logging in Online Contact becomes available after setting password through email.
① Logs are recorded when you change the permissions of agents inside the organization. This menu manages logs about change of permission by the organization administrator or administrator. You can ② search by entering some of the information, including the date and time of operation, operated contents, name, IP, service, or ID.
If consultation data should be transferred to Online Contact, you could upload data and create tickets through Data Transfer menu.
If you click ① Add button, you can access to the screen for downloading transfer template. Select the service you want to transfer consultation data, and click ② Download to download the transfer template of the service. The field configuration set for the service is reflected in the downloaded template, thus re-download of the template is needed when the field configuration had changes.
After downloading the template, click Next button to access Register Data screen. You can upload the file you created by clicking ③ Add button, and after checking the service and file name once more, click ④ Confirm button to complete data registration.
You can delete the reserved transfer cases before the transfer is processed, and if the transfer is completed, delete button will be deactivated.
Through clicking ① account name displayed in the upper right corner of the screen, you could access to ② My Performance menu. In this menu, detailed real-time cumulative data about ticket, call, chat consultation in currently accessed service is shown.
Detailed performance classifications for different types of consultations are as follows:
③ Ticket Achievements
④ Call Achievements
⑤ Chat Achievements
Through clicking ① account name displayed in the upper right corner of the screen, ② privacy settings menu is showed. User’s personal settings could be accessed and edited through this menu.
✔ [FAQ] How can I change or delete my ID, email, and name? ✔ [FAQ] How can I change my password?