You can check the new Online Contact Guide by changing the language to Korean. We will also provide the English version as soon as possible.
To access Online Contact, joining NHN Cloud is needed.
Please prepare your credit card since it is mandatory to register payment methods when joining. Business members(NHN Cloud Korea) are also required to prepare a copy of Business Registration Certificate.
① Steps of Joining NHN Cloud: Select Country → Select Type of Membership(Individual/Business) → Consent to Terms of Use → Enter Member Inforamtion → Joining Completed
② After joining NHN Cloud, please register payment methods via My page → Payment Methods.
① Payco credit cards, credit cards, bank transfers(provided only for business members) are able to be registered as payment methods. For particular credit cards and bank transfer service, authentication is need. Please keep in mind that debit cards could not be registered as payment methods.
① After registering payment methods, you can move to NHN Cloud CONSOLE through clicking CONSOLE button which is in the upper side of NHN Cloud homepage.
① Create initial organization to use services NHN Cloud provide through clicking Create New Organization Button. After creating, click Service to browse services which NHN Cloud are providing.
If you have an organization created before, please move directly to Service.
① Please click Online Contact located under Contact Center. Proceed directly to the Organization/Domain Name Settings step.
① Organization name: Please use the existing organization name or modify/add a meaningful organization name.
② Domain: English, Numeric, Hyphen allowed(first letter in English, numbers only/between 3~40 characters)
Domain is created in the form of '', which is used as the URL address to access Online Contact of your organization. If organization/domain names are duplicated, please modify since duplicated names are unallowed. After setting names, please click Next to proceed.
① After setting organization/domain names, you can register IAM members. Press Register IAM Member button and a window will be displayed where you can enter membership informations for IAM members.
Online Contact has two distinct memberships. - NHN Cloud Member: NHN Cloud Members are whom registered in NHN Cloud. Their role is to manage organization. - IAM Member: IAM Members are internal members of the organizaion. They are only valid inside of the organization. IAM Members are generated with an ID without NHN Cloud certification, and can be added through NHN Cloud CONSOLE Manage Member → IAM Member tab.
① ID, name, mail address is needed to register, and registering multiple members is possible. After registering, please check OWNER to the IAM member which would be used as OWNER account.
Online Contact register process is completed. In the displayed register completion page,
Please check ① Online Contact Access URL, and the OWNER ID which you checked as OWNER before. These informations would be used after when accessing to Online Contact.
② About security settings related to IAM members login process, please refer the given link Login Security Setting.
Access to Online Contact is able using the URL given on the register completion page, or click NHN Cloud CONSOLE → Organization Service Usage → Online Contact to access the login page.
Please login through using the OWNER ID given on the register completion page. Please
Initially, the OWNER ID does not have a password set, login is available after proceeding Password Finding first.
① Certification mail would be sent to the email account which accords to the IAM member information. Please set a new password via this email.
Please make up the password from 8 to 15 digits of the combination of English, numbers, and special characters.
✔ [FAQ] How can I change my password?